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King's Court First School

Caring, Sharing and Learning Together

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Summer Term

Friday 12th July 2024 - Due Friday 19th July 2024

This week we have been checking our reports and making sure they are effective.  Please complete your 2Do's on purple mash.

Friday 5th July 2024 - Due Friday 12th July 2024

This week we have been writing our information reports.  We would like you to choose a method of travelling and write your own version.

Remember to include as many of the criteria attached.  You can present your work in any way.

Friday 28th June 2024 - Due Friday 5th July 2024

A prefix is added to the beginning of a word.  Please choose a prefix to put in front of a word.

When you have done this see if you can think of any other words.

Friday 21st June 2024 - Due in Friday 28th June 2024

This week we have looked at information reports and checking our sentences.  Write the correct sentence underneath by adding in capital letters, full stops and question marks.

Friday 14th June 2024 - Due in Friday 21st June 2024

This week we have been looking at information reports.  For this we have talked about subheadings and their importance.

A subheading tells the reader what information they will find in the following text.

Please work out which text goes with the subheading.

Then choose another sport to write about.  You need to include technical words and a diagram.

Friday 7th June 2024 - Due in Friday 14th June 2024

This week we have started a new topic on artificial intelligence in computing.  Please complete either 1 star, 2 star or 3 star activities.

Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Due in Friday 7th June 2024


This week we have focussed on using verb inflections to explore the clarity of the sentences.

Please choose either Bronze, Silver or Gold to complete.

Friday 17th May 2024 - Due in Thursday 23rd May 2024


Throughout the term the children have been exploring climate change in Geography.

Please choose either 1 star, 2 star or 3 star to complete.

Friday 10th May 2024 - Due in Friday 17th May 2024

In Computing we have been studying the internet.


For Bronze please look at the digital profiles and see what information the children have made accessible.

For Silver please write about a world with no internet.

For Gold please make your own poster about the internet and why it is important.  You can present this in any way you want.

Friday 3rd May 2024 - Due in Friday 19th May 2024

This week we have been studying climate change in Geography.  The children have looked at current issues in Old Windsor regarding the flooding and the consequences of this.  Please write a newspaper report about recycling in your house.  Miss Davies has given you an example for you to see if needed.  Find out about your local area and ask your parents about what you do to recycle.

Friday 26th April 2024 - Due in Friday 3rd May 2024

This term we have been studying ‘How to train your dragon’.  This story includes speech and we would like the children to practise this in their work.  Please choose either 1 star, 2 star or 3 star to complete.

Friday 19th April 2024 - Due in Friday 26th April 2024

This week we would like you to complete a comprehension about the London Marathon.  This is taking place this weekend.  Please choose either 1 star, 2 star or 3 star to complete.

Spring Term

Easter Holiday Diary Entry- to be uploaded or brought in by 15.04.24

A whole school target for our writing focus has been the presentation of our work, including using the correct King's Court Script when writing and joining our letters.


A whole school activity to complete over the Easter Holidays is to talk, draw and write about your favourite activity or day over the next 2 weeks. A particular focus will be presenting your work beautifully using your best King's Court script. As the writing lead for the school, I will be handing out special A&B certificates to children from each class who I can see have presented their work beautifully. These will also be displayed in the school hall. You are welcome to add pictures or photos to your diary entry to go with your writing.


I have attached a couple of templates to use of your children would like some more structure to their diary entry. I will be looking for quality of writing, which could be short, simple sentences to describe your picture, a series of sentences using different sentence openers or even some paragraphs of writing to really challenge yourself!


I look forward to seeing your diary entries when we return after Easter!


Have a wonderful break


Mrs Johnson

Friday 22nd March 2024 - Due in Thursday 28th March 2024

We have been writing our hot task about descriptive poetry.  Please write your own poem using the criteria.  You can write up your poem to show off everything we have done.

Friday 15th March 2024 - Due in Friday 22nd March 2024

This week we have explored Comic Relief.  Choose either 1 star, 2 star or 2 star to complete.

Friday 8th March 2024 - Due in Friday 15th March 2024


As it has been World Book Day this week we would like you do compete the reading challenge below.  You can think of books you have already covered.  Use the lines to record the title of the book when you have read it.  Let's see how many books you can read this week!

Friday 1st March 2024 - Friday 8th March 2024

Please look at the reading comprehension on the six nations.  Lots of the children have been talking about this so we thought we could research about it origins and what happens.  Choose either 1 star, 2 star or 2 star to complete.

Friday 23rd February 2024 - Due in Friday 1st March 2024

This week we have started looking at descriptive poetry.  Your task is to write your own poem about what you can see in your own environment.

Please see the attached outline to help you with your poem.  You can use the guidelines or make your own version.  In class we have focussed on descriptive words so please include some of these in your poem.

After you are finished, you can draw a picture to go along with your poem.

Friday 9th February 2024 - Due in Friday 23rd February 2024


Use everything you know about the potential risks and hazards of life online and create an award-winning Safer Internet Day poster. Make it stand out to catch other people’s attention and help them learn more about how to stay safe online.  Please go through the fact file before you make your version.

Friday 2nd February 2024 - Due in Friday 9th February 2024


We have been writing out hot tasks and our version of Little Red Riding Hood.  Please choose a challenge about punctuation.  We have spoken to the children about checking their work for accuracy.

Friday 26th January 2024 - Due in Friday 2nd February 2024


Please choose a challenge and have a go at possessive apostrophes.  Think about where you need to include these in your work.


Friday 19th January 2024 - please upload to dojo by Friday 26th January

We explored fronted adverbials using our Little Red Riding Hood text earlier this week.  For homework, we would like the children to have further practice spotting/using these.  

Fronted adverbials are are a word, phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence that gives more details about the time, place, frequency, possibility or manner of the action in the main clause.

For a further explanation, please click on the BBC Bitesize link below.

Please select a challenge level to complete on the document below (*/**/*** = Bronze / Silver / Gold) 


Friday 12th January - Due in on Friday 19th January 2024


This week we have been looking at our story map and making actions to go with them.  With your story map from last week come up with actions and retell your story.  Please upload a video of your child with your story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Friday 5th January 2024 - Due in Friday 12th January 2024


This term we have started looking at narrative texts and we will be looking at Little Red Riding Hood.  This week you will be producing your own comic strip about the story of Little Red Riding Hood.


You can use the attached comic strip to help you or please make your own if you want.


Make your comic strip fun, colourful and bold!

Autumn Term:

Thank you for all your support with the children’s learning this term, we have already seen some wonderful progress! We really value the importance of spending quality time with families over the coming weeks and the children most certainly deserve a break! Therefore there will be no homework set for the holidays. If you’d like to share anything special you get up to, please feel free to upload any photos to dojo for us. We will be having a break too but would love to see them when we return in the new year. Merry Christmas- have a wonderful break from all of Team Inspire

Friday 8th December 2023 - Due in on Friday 15th December 2023

This week we would like you to choose an advent comprehension to answer.  You will see that 1 star is Bronze, 2 star is Silver and 3 star is Gold.

Friday 1st December 2023 - Due in on Friday 8th December 2023


For this week we would like you to use the time to practise your lines for the play and rehearse them.  You can then look at the delivery of your lines and how your drama skills can entertain the audience.

Friday 24th November - to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 1st December 2023


It's time for the children to practise their reading comprehension skills again this week.  The text to answer questions on is all about the Bronze Age which we learnt about in history this week so will also further their understanding on the topic. The children do need to ensure they answer in full sentences and include full stops and capital letters too! Where appropriate, they should be encouraged to answer in a way that someone would know what the question was they were being asked.  For example:

Q1 Where is Stonehenge?

Answer: Stonehenge is in the south of England, in Wiltshire.


Please select the appropriate challenge level from the document below:

* = Bronze

** = Silver

*** = Gold

The answers are included so that you can provide immediate feedback to your child on their answers. 

Friday 17th November - to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 24th November 2023

This week we would like the children to spend 20-30 minutes completing the instruction themed tasks below. There are two short, 60 second read comprehensions and then a task of simplifying instructions to make them clearer for a person to follow. Children can select and complete as much as they can in the time frame.

Friday 10th November – to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 17th November 2023

Read again the whole of ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ using the Youtube link below. Have a think about why the task of cleaning a woolly mammoth is so difficult, according to the text. How achievable would this task have been with a real woolly mammoth?!

As a link to our learning about the Stone Age, you are going to find out some facts about mammoths to add to the list of reasons that washing one may be a big challenge. Have a look at the webpage below for some information.

Also take a look at the alternative fact pages attached below.

You need to read the texts and look out for information supporting the idea that washing a woolly mammoth might be challenging.

Record some facts about this animal that lived during the Stone Age on the attached sheet – or as list of your own.

Friday 3rd November – to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 10th November

We have started learning about instruction writing this week.  Instruction texts should include the following:


For homework, please choose from the following challenges below using the attached document.

BRONZE – Cut out the matching photos and instructions and stick them back into the correct order (Hint: use the time connectives as clues to help with ordering)! Choose ONE of the features from the list above to add to your page to improve the instructions further. 


SILVER - Cut out the matching photos and instructions and stick them back into the correct order (Hint: use the time connectives as clues to help with ordering)! Choose THREE of the features from the list above to add to your page to improve the instructions further. 


GOLD - Cut out the matching photos and instructions and stick them back into the correct order (Hint: use the time connectives as clues to help with ordering)! Use as many of the features from the list above as you can to add to your page to improve the instructions even further. 


ALL - Finally, have a go at following the instructions and making the craft!

Half term homework:

Please see the extended task set last week.  If you would like to enter your child's poem into the competition, please see the details on the link below:



To enter the competition, all you have to do is submit your poem here by the deadline of 15th November 2023.

Friday 13th October 2023

Extended homework task – please upload to dojo by Friday 27th October 2023

In recognition of Black History Month during October and our Term one writing focus on poetry, we are setting an extended whole school homework to write a poem in celebration of black women and if wished, to enter the poem into the national competition.

The competition is open to all primary, secondary, college, and university students across the UK, as well as members of the public who want to join in. Parents are welcome to complete the homework too and enter!  The aim is to recognise the significant impact of black women in a range of areas, while inspiring and empowering future generations.


The children attended a virtual assembly on Tuesday to introduce them to Black History Month and each class also has a focus book to read and explore.  Children can write a poem about a pioneering black woman who has made an impact in their chosen field, explaining why she is an inspiration to them. The poems don’t have to be about famous people; they can be about members of their family, women who have inspired them in their community, or even about themselves and their experiences as a woman or young person. The aim is to get creative and have fun with it! They may wish to write a poem in the style they have been learning about in school, or create one in the style of their choice. 


Please see the link below for further information on how to enter the competition. Entering is optional but please upload your child’s poems to dojo as usual for homework.  We would also love to see the poems brought into school to display and share in class.  Please note, submitting the poem for the competition is the responsibility of parents rather than the school.



Friday 6th October 2023 - please upload to dojo by Friday 13th 2023

To reinforce learning in our geography topic this term about transportation, I would like the children to select a challenge level of the reading comprehension below to complete. The focus is the history of transport.  Children should remember to answer in full sentences where appropriate and be encouraged to underline the key information in the text to support their answers. 

* = Bronze

** = Silver

*** = Gold

Friday 29th September 2023 – please upload to dojo by Friday 6th October 2023

We have been thinking about poetry performances in our English lessons this week. For homework, I would like you to record yourself reciting / performing a poem of your choice.  See the steps below.


First, listen to and watch Joseph Coelho explain how techniques used to enhance the performance of poetry, such as intonation, tone, tempo, and volume, can help to develop meaning for the listener. Click on the link below to watch the clip 


Next, choose a poem.  This could be a list poem or kenning from the ones below that we have used in class, a favourite poem you have at home or one of the poems you have written over the last couple of weeks for homework.


Then, practise reciting/performing the poem, using tips form the video clip and including actions if you would like to. Also decide the location for your performance – maybe it could be linked to the content of your poem.

Finally, ask an adult to record your performance and upload it to dojo.  If you are happy to, we can share the videos in school with the class!

Friday 15th September 2023 - Please upload to dojo by Friday 22nd September 2023


In our English lessons we have introduced list poems.  We have read some examples and created a poem as a group, as well as written our own one called 'Things Found in my Bedroom'. Each challenge level below contains an example poem and then a task to write a 'Ten things....' poem, with some suggestions.   

Friday 22nd September 2023 - Please upload to dojo by Friday 29th September 2023


I have really enjoyed reading the children's list poems this week!

We have learnt about Kennings this week which are a specific type of list poem using a combination of nouns and verbs in a particular format. Here is an example of a Kenning we looked at as one of several for which they had to guess what was being described: 


    Woodland racer

Acorn chaser


    Tree shaker

    Acorn taker


    Nut cracker

    Acorn snacker


    Sky rider

    Acorn hider


    Winter snoozer

    Acorn loser


    Spring reminder

    Acorn finder.


           Celia Warren

(The Squirrel)


I would like the children to have a go at writing their own kenning this week about themselves or a family member.  The information attached below will give them some ideas and a suggestion of number of lines depending on challenge level.
