School Values
King’s Court First School
Caring, Sharing and Learning Together!
Our School Mission Statement
To provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment where each child will recognise and achieve their full potential, so that they can make the best contribution to society.
Our Values
Everyone is responsible for safeguarding the children
Children’s Motto
Caring, Sharing and Learning Together!
Behaviour values
Ready, Respectful, Safe
Learning values
The Royal Red Crowns: Resilience, Enthusiasm, Determination
A successful education for your child depends on a positive partnership between home and school. Our Home/School Agreement represents the shared commitment of the school, parents/carers and children in order to achieve that success. At King's Court, the children, parents and staff have created the following aims:
The children have a responsibility to:
- talk to an adult if I need help or I am unhappy or worried about anything
- know to talk to an adult if I feel harassed, bullied or threatened
- be ready for learning, respectful of others and safe in school.
- follow the school rules
- be proud and celebrate my successes
- be kind, polite, helpful and friendly towards everyone in our school, the wider community and online. (kind hands)
- respect and treat everyone how I would like to be treated. (Equality Policy)
- respect the school property and grounds
- wear the correct school uniform and look smart
Learning Values
- be determined to complete my homework on time
- always try my best and listen carefully to instructions
- understand and use responsibility, enthusiasm and determination
Families have a responsibility to:
- support the school in its aims and values by taking an interest in my child’s welfare and learning
- update the school on essential data such as emergency telephone numbers
- tell the school about any circumstances which may affect my child’s work or behaviour
- immediately talk to the school if my child feels, threatened, bullied or sexually exploited
- follow the school’s communication protocol and other school policies (e.g. Online Safety and Visitors Code of Conduct)
- help reinforce a positive school environment where my child is happy to learn
- support the school’s policies and guidelines on behaviour and equal opportunities, encouraging my child to be ready, respectful, safe
- celebrate my child’s successes
- ensure my child’s regular and punctual attendance and adhere to the school’s Attendance Policy
- provide my child with a well-presented school uniform and ensure my child is clean and tidy to start the day
- support the wider life of the school
- treat school staff, governors and other parents/children with courtesy and respect at all times, raising any issues of concern with the school in the first instance
Learning values
- support my child in his / her homework and wherever possible promote opportunities for learning at home in a safe environment
- support my child to be an active learner through resilience, enthusiasm, determination
- attend parent teacher consultations and discussions about my child’s progress and next steps.
King’s Court First School has a responsibility to:
- ensure we are continually reviewing and updating our practice in school in line with the National guidance, school’s procedures and policies agreed by the Governing Body
- listen to pupils’ and parents’ views and concerns
- investigate immediately if a report is shared from a child or parent about threatening, bullying behaviour or a child feels exploited in any way (child on child abuse, prevent, sexual exploitation)
- communicate and up-hold that ‘everyone is responsible for safeguarding’ following procedure on the policy
- promote ‘happy children coming into school and happy children going home’
- ensure the behaviour policy is implemented and followed across all stakeholders, including measures to prevent bullying, cyberbullying, prejudice and discriminatory bullying
- encourage high expectations and pride in achievement.
- Recognise and praise progress by celebrating the children’s successes; above and beyond, shout outs, sticker charts.
- monitor attendance in line with the Attendance Policy
- ensure the children wear the correct uniform and follow policy
- support the wider life of the school
- value and respect each child as an individual as they care, share and learn together
- all staff have a right to be treated with respect from all stakeholders, ‘no excuse for abuse’ motto in place (NAHT)
Learning values
- provide a safe and stimulating environment for the children where the children are confident to question and challenge themselves
- offer a broad & balanced curriculum for children of all abilities to enable them to become life-long learners and responsible citizens in society
- prepare the children for the next stage in their education through rich learning opportunities in a creative curriculum
- ensure that each child is supported to reach their potential as a valued member of the school community
- promote good relationships and develop a sense of personal responsibility through the learning values, resilience, enthusiasm and determination inform parents of the progress/welfare of their child, including an annual written report.
The full Home/School Agreement is located on the about us tab - policy tab - home/school agreement.