Lunch Menus
Menu for November, December, 2024 - January, February and March 2025
School Lunches
The school is in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s catering contract with Caterlink. Menus are updated every term. Please see the latest menu below:
The cost of a hot school meal is currently £2.69 per day.
How to order a school lunch:
- School lunches can be ordered online via the Scopay Website.
- All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 qualify for Universal Free School Meals. This means you will be able to log on and pick your child’s menu choice without having to credit your account.
- Year 3 and Year 4, your child’s account will need to be in credit before you can select their menu
- Parents choose and order lunches for their children online by midnight on the day before the meal is required. Parents will be required to pay by card (debit or credit) before entering any lunch bookings.
If your child is registered as being entitled to free school lunches, either due to income or age related (Early Years to Y2), the system will allow you to book a meal without making a payment.
You will receive details from the school with how to register and your unique link code to access the Tucasi secure system.
We are sure you and your children will look forward to choosing lunches together.