The School Day
The School Day
The following information aims to explain and give you details about the general routines of the school day. If you would like to speak to the Headteacher, Mrs Pye-Beraet, please agree a time with the School Admin Officer, Mrs Sachdave.
King's Court First School is open from 8.40am-3.20pm daily. In a typical week the school is open for 33.33 hours.
Session Times for - EARLY YEARS
School starts at 8.40-8.50am (soft start)
Lunchtime 11.50-12.50pm
School ends at 3.00-3.10pm (soft finish)
Session Times for - KEY STAGE 1
School starts at 8.40am
Morning break 10.45 – 11.00am
Lunchtime 11.50-12.50pm
School ends at 3.15pm
Session Times for - KEY STAGE 2
School starts at 8.40am
Morning break 10.45 – 11.00am
Lunchtime 12.00 - 13.00pm
School ends at 3.20pm
Arrival and Collection
We ask that everyone takes great care when setting down and picking up from outside the school. Please walk on the pavement as cars use the car park.
Cars may not be brought into the carpark or parked on the zig-zag lines directly outside the school entrance. A car parking permit can be obtained by the office in special circumstances.
To ease the flow of traffic, we encourage a voluntary one-way system, moving anti-clockwise down Ashbrook Road towards Kingsbury Drive (thus passing the school on your left-hand side).
Please keep to the path and do not walk across the car park once you enter the school site. If you are cycling with your child please dismount at the school driveway and keep to the cycle path. Bicycles may be left in our cycle shelter during the day.
Please do not smoke on the school premises and do not bring dogs onto the school site. There is a post at the school gate which can be used to tie dogs to while you are in school.
Start of the School Day
In the mornings, the following drop off arrangements are in place. All the children in all classes will proceed straight into their classrooms through their outside classroom doors.
Team Magic and Team Believe walk through the Key Stage 1 playground.
Team Inspire walk through the Key Stage 2 playground.
Collection at the End of the School Day
Team Magic
At the end of the day, parents/carers will collect children in Robin Class, at 3.00-3.10pm, from Robin's Classroom door.
Team Believe
Hedgehog Class
At the end of the day, parents/carers will collect children in Hedgehog Class, at 3.15pm, from Hedgehog Class’s exterior classroom door; accessed via the Early Foundation Stage playground.
Squirrel Class
At the end of the day, parents/carers will collect children in Squirrel Class, at 3.15pm, from Squirrel Class’s cloakroom door.
Team Inspire
Deer Class
At the end of the day, parents/carers will collect children in Deer Class, at 3.20pm, from Deer Class’s exterior classroom door; accessed via the Key Stage 2 playground.
Owl Class
At the end of the day, parents/carers will collect children in Owl Class, at 3.20pm, from Owl Class’s exterior classroom door; accessed via the Key Stage 2 playground.
The school office needs to be informed in good time (preferably before 12.30pm) if there are any changes to your regular collection arrangements.
If the weather is unsuitable for outside play breaktimes are taken inside.
Children may bring a piece of fruit or vegetable for morning break in Key Stage 2.
Children in Key Stage 1 are given a piece of free fruit through a Government/NHS initiative. Please complete the permission slip and tell us of any allergies.
We encourage children to have a water bottle in the classroom, and a water fountain is available outside the Key Stage 1 cloakroom area.
We discourage children from bringing toys to school but if they do, for a curriculum purpose, the toy is the child’s responsibility. Toys can often cause unnecessary problems if they are broken or lost or a child has difficulty sharing them.
Children may have a school meal or bring a packed lunch and may choose on a daily basis. Our school meals are provided by a catering company and are prepared in the school kitchen. There is a daily choice of two hot meals, including a vegetarian alternative. Water is provided with the meal. The menu is displayed on our outside noticeboard but we will also give you a copy.
If your child chooses to bring a packed lunch this should be brought to school in a named container. We send home any food that is uneaten so that you can be sure just what your child has eaten that day. We suggest that in the early weeks of your child starting school you do not pack too much into the lunchbox as it often takes them a long time to finish their food and they want to be out in the playground making friends. Please do not send sweets or chocolate in your child’s lunchbox.
Absence From School
Please inform the school by phone before 9.30am if your child is absent for any reason. Should you need to take your child out of school for a medical appointment during the day, you should send in a letter with details of the appointment and when your child needs to be picked up.
If your child arrives late in the morning, after 8.50am, they should go to the office where Mrs. Sachdave or Mrs. Horsburgh will mark them into the register and ensure they go to their class.
Celebrating Success
If your child does something extra special or achieves well, he/she may receive a certificate/recognition in one of our Class Celebration Assemblies. Forthcoming dates are available through the school’s fortnightly newsletter.
There is a weekly ‘Above and Beyond’ assembly where the children are recognised for good behaviour or academic achievement.
All children receive a ‘shout out’ for positive behaviour and hard work. Each class works towards a class ‘wow’ treat by earning stars for the class shout out board. The class decide how many stars they need to achieve as a team to receive a class ‘wow’ treat.