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King's Court First School

Caring, Sharing and Learning Together

Contact Details

Late/Absence Procedures

Picking up and dropping off Procedures


KS1 children are dropped off to the KS1 their classroom doors by parents/carers between 8.40am and 8.50am. KS2 children are dropped straight to their classrooms by parents/carers between 8.40am and 8.50am. Morning class registration is taken by 9am. Afternoon class registration is taken when the Early Years Foundation Stage, KS1 & KS2 afternoon sessions commence – this is due to a staggered lunchtime break. At the end of the day in KS1 children are collected from their external classroom doors, by parents/carers at the end of the day. KS2 children are collected from their external classroom doors, by parents/carers at the end of the day.


Late arrivals must enter through the main reception area and sign the late arrivals’ register. Children arriving late, but before 9am, are marked present in the register. Children arriving after 9am are marked late by staff in the office. The school admin officer's will contact the parents of children who are absent with no explanation, on the first day of absence.


Late Collection of Children


Children that have not been collected by a parent/carer are brought to the main reception if they are in KS1 or KS2. Children in the EYFS remain with staff. A member of the office team or the class teacher will try to contact the parent/carer. If there is no response they will try the other contact numbers. It is the responsibility of the parent/carers to keep the school office informed of all current telephone numbers and emergency contacts. After a reasonable time, should school be unsuccessful in contacting a parent/carer, social services will be contacted. Parents/carers are required to sign out any children picked up late, at the end of the school day.


After School Clubs


Registers are kept of all children attending after school clubs by the club leader/provider and in the school office. Children are handed over to parents/carers directly at the end of the club and or make their own way home according to the permission that parents/carers have given.  


Occasional Events


Some events, for example productions, class/key stage assemblies and celebrations or sports days, happen only rarely, but involve the movement of pupils around the school at a time when parents and carers are also given access to the site. The Senior Leadership Team are responsible for ensuring that a plan is in place to determine how and when pupils and other people will enter and exit their classrooms and the school site. The plan is shared with all staff and each individual is responsible for making sure that they understand and carry out the plan.

On some occasions it may be more practical for families to take their children home from the event directly rather than waiting for the end of the school day or for the children to return to the classroom. The plan will also include if parents are permitted to do this and how this will be done. This would include the expectation that teachers or designated support staff know which children have been taken home.
