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King's Court First School

Caring, Sharing and Learning Together

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Spring Term 2025



Friday 14th February- Half Term Homework

The children produced some fantastic versions of Nail Soup and have published them into a class story book. Mrs Sharma has spent some time helping the children to edit and recapping some SPaG skills that were included in the story.


Over the holidays, we have uploaded some SPaG activity Mats for the children to complete. There is a set for Going for Gold and another set if they would like a more supportive activity. We have also uploaded a useful poster to remind them of some of the key terminology. Each set vary in complexity so have a look through and choose one from one of the sets to complete.


Have a lovely half term! If you would like to share any photos of your week to dojo, please feel free as we know some of you are off on exciting holidays! We will share them when we come back on Monday 24th February.


Mrs Johnson and Mrs Sharma

Friday 7th February- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 14th February

In preparation for next week's Internet Safety Day, we would like the children to complete a quiz to understand their prior knowledge of what they understand about being safe online. Please do not help your child with the quiz, we are really interested to see what their initial responses are.


We would also like them at the end of the quiz to write down their 3 favourite things they like to do online. This could be playing games, watching YouTube or anything else that they like to do.


Please use the link below to print off and for the children to complete the quiz.

Friday 31st January- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 7th February

To prepare for writing our own versions of nail soup, the children have been working hard at uplevelling their vocabulary by using a thesaurus to choose more adventurous words.


This week, we would like the children to complete the Going for Gold activity below to select some more exciting words in the list. The children have practised using a thesaurus in class. If they would like some more ideas, I have included a link to a children's online thesaurus to help them generate some more ideas.


If they need support to get to gold, just focus on one or two of the words listed on the sheet.

English Homework 24.01.25- to be uploaded onto dojo by 31.01.25

This week in English, we have been adding details to our story maps for nail soup to ensure we are including lots of the different features of adventure story writing. One of the things we have been working on is adding detail and description to our sentences.


This week, we would like the children to practice uplevelling some sentences to use adjectives and adverbial phrases that describe WHERE or WHEN something happened. For example:


The dog barked.


could be uplevelled to


In the morning, the excited dog barked


You can change the adverbial to a different place in the sentence to add variety, like this:


The excited dog barked in the morning




The excited dog, in the morning, barked.


Below is an activity sheet for the children to complete to uplevel and create their own exciting sentences.

English Homework 17.01.25- to be uploaded to Dojo by 24.01.25


This week, the children have started to learn the story of 'Nail Soup' They have learned some actions for different words in the story to help them rehearse and learn it off by heart.


This week we would like them to have a go at performing the story at home to an adult. Below, is the story and the action bank for their reference (although some of the children are already familiar with the sequence of the story!) You are welcome to either read the story to them whilst they show you the actions, or they can read the story themselves and include the actions whilst they read!


We have been watching 'Miss Davies' an expert teacher performing the story with the actions which I have attached below for the children to watch as some inspiration first.


Please can you record the children performing part or all of the story and upload it onto dojo. We look forward to seeing their performances!

Friday 10th January- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 17th January 


In English this term we are focusing on 'Story Writing'. We have started this week by identifying the features of stories (e.g: beginning, middle and ending, dialogue, the dilemma or problem and the resolution). To ensure children understand the features independently, this weeks homework task will require children to choose a story of their choice and tick on the checklist where they have found the feature. Some examples of adventure stories they can use are below, or the children are welcome to choose their own adventure story they have read or are reading. 


They may use different colurs for the checklist and underline where they find the feature. If they are using their own book they can jot down some examples of the features thay have found on the checklist in the 'evidence' box below the checklist.

Autumn Term 2024


Christmas Holiday Homework


We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all your support with homework this term. 


Christmas is such a special time to relax and enjoy time with loved ones, and the children (and adults!) deserve a well earned break!. We will not be setting any homework over the holidays. The children are welcome to share what they have been up to over the holidays on Class Dojo. The teachers will also be having a break too so will respond to anything that is uploaded over the holidays when we return in January 


Continue to enjoy reading, playing games and having lots of festive fun.


From the teaching team at King's Court, we will all our families a very Merry Christmas and we will see you again in the new year.

Friday 13th December- to be uploaded to Dojo by Friday 20th December

This week in History, we have been learning about Egyptian Hieroglyphics. For their homework this week, we would like the children to use the Hieroglyphs symbols to write their own message for someone to translate into English. Below, is a poster with all of the symbols of the alphabet to help them write their message. 


If the children would like some support, there are a set of sheets below with messages written on them they can have ago at translating using the poster for support.


We look forward to seeing your messages in Hieroglyphs!

Friday 6th December- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 13th December

This week, as we have been getting into the festive spirit, there are 2 comprehension activities to complete below with a Christmas theme. Please select either the Going or Gold activity or the support for getting to Gold.

Friday 29th November to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 6th December

The children have been working really hard on designing their Christmas themed board games ready to create next week and write a set of instructions for. To follow up on their recent learning of mummification in history and all of their instruction work in English, we are tasking the children to create a paper model of an Ancient Egyptian coffin. If you would like a printed net of the coffin, please let us know. They will need to build it following the instructions below. We would love to see your finished models once you have followed the instructions correctly! You are more than welcome to have help from an adult as the instruction list is fairly long.

Friday 22nd November- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 29th November

This week, we have continued to work on adding details to our instructions so that they are clear and easy to follow. This has included using prepositions that tell you where something is (next to, behind, in front of) and imperative or bossy verbs (shuffle, say, choose, play)


This week the children are going to complete a preposition treasure hunt. Instructions are uploaded below. Each instruction that they write needs to start with a preposition:



Next to the washing machine, take 3 steps forward

Behind the sofa, turn right towards the stairs


Have fun and we look forward to seeing how you get on on dojo!

English Homework 15.11.24 - To be uploaded To Class Dojo By 22.11.24

Over the past week in English, we have been focusing on the features of instruction writing where children have been asked to identify adverbs, time conjunctions and prepositions. For this week's homework task we would like children to continue to identify adverbs to consolidate their understanding. 


An adverb tells us more information about the verb (action) in our sentence. Lots of common adverbs end in ly such as happily, scarily, excitedly. They can also tell us more by indicating time and place.



Tomorrow morning, I am going swimming. (adverb of time)

I play my football matches in Old Windsor. (adverb of place)


Please choose from one of the tasks below. 

English 8.11.24 - To be uploaded by Friday 15th November


This week we have started our new unit of learning in science 'Living and Non-living things'.  For their homelearning this week I would like the children to produce a poster to show their understanding of thigs that are living, were alive and have never been alive.  An example is attached.

English homework 25.10.24 - to be uploaded by Friday 8th November

Choose one of the sets of instructions below. 

Your challenge is to follow the instructions to make the finished product that the instructions are for.  As you are completing your task think about how easy or difficult the instructions are to follow.  What is helping you to follow the instructions?

English Homework 18.10.24 - to be uploaded by 24.10.24


Next term Owl class will be starting a new unit of writing with a focus on instructions.  This week please spend some time thinking about where you might see, need or use instructions.  You could photograph some examples, make a mind map or video yourself talking about them.


Friday 4th October- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 11th October


In our Geography work this term, we have been exploring our local area, where it is located in the county, country and now within the continent of Europe. We spent some time this week identifying different countries in Europe using an atlas.


For their writing homework this week, we would like the children to research some simple facts about Europe. You are welcome to use your own resources or explore any of the links below. We have also attached a prompt sheet of facts they could research. It would be lovely to share and celebrate any friends or family that you have that live in European countries and include this in their research findings.


The children can be creative in how they share their information by writing (or typing) some sentences, pictures with captions or record them verbally sharing some of their research- play to their strengths! 


We look forward to seeing what the children find out...

English Homework 27.09.24- to be uploaded to dojo by 04.10.24

This week in English, we have been focusing on developing grammatical features of sentence writing to help incorporate into our poems. This has included using a thesaurus to find words that have the same or similar meaning (synonyms).


This week, we would like the children to look at using synonyms to improve their word choices and use more exciting vocabulary. Below are some activities that will require a thesaurus. If you do not have a book thesaurus, there are fantastic ones online you can use. I have linked a child friendly thesaurus you can use online below. Please choose one of the activities below to complete with your child and upload to dojo.

Friday 20th September- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 27th September


This week in Owl class we have been learning how to perform poetry. For this week’s homework task we would like you to perform a poem of your choice or one of the poems below using the tips we have learnt about in class (to remind yourself of these please see the YouTube video linked below).

We would like to see the poems performed in a clear, loud voice using appropriate expression. Please think about the theme of the poem and consider which tone of voice to use to present this. 

Please upload a video of your performance on Dojo for us to see.

English Homework- 13.09.24- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 20th September

This week the children have been introduced to Haiku poetry. They have been learning about the syllable pattern that the short poem follows. There are 3 lines and the syllable pattern is 5, 7, 5. Below is a link to a short video clip that explains them in more detail.


For this week's homework, we would like the children to choose 10 things in the house and write them down. with an adult, they are going to clap out the syllables and separate the word into the different syllables and write the total:


microwave- mi/cro/wave = 3

television- tel/e/vi/sion = 4


As an extra challenge- can they write a simple haiku using objects that have listed in their house by following the syllable pattern of 5/7/5?



microwave turning (5)

loud television blaring (7)

must be dinner time! (5)


Please upload your list of words in syllables and any extra challenges you do for Mrs Edge and I to have a look at.

Summer Term 2024

English homework 05.07.24- to be submitted on Purple Mash by 12.07.24

This week we are finishing off our learning all about information reports. On Purple Mash, we have set a 2do to write some information about safari animals. The children took part in a workshop at Beale Park about animals that live in the Savanna so can use some of this information to include in their report. Please log into Purple Mash to complete this activity.

English Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 05.07.24

As we are focussing on British monarchs in our English lessons this term, we would like children to spend some time familarising themselves with Queen Victoria as she will play a key part in our upcoming English lessons. Children are expected to read the fact file on Queen Victoria and then answer the questions in full sentences, evidencing from the text where possible. If children struggle to read the text adults may prompt and provide support. 

English Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 28.06.24


This week the children have engaged in multiple non-chronological report shared writing activitieson King Henry VIII. Most recently, we have explored fronted adverbials and the way in which they can transform the writing completely. For this week's homework activity the children are to identify the fronted adverbials from the text as well as mention what type of fronted adverbial they have noticed. Please complete one of the activities from the attachment. Bronze to complete page 1, Silver to complete page 2 and Gold to complete page 3. 


English Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 21.06.24


This week in our English lessons we have been continuing to focus closely on the features of non-chronological reports. We have explored the importance of conjunctions in joining together two clauses and the different ways in which this is possible. For the homework activity this week we would like children to further stregthen their understanding on conjunctions. 

English Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 14.06.24 

This term we are focussing on non-chronological reports. The children have already learnt about the features of these and have been working in groups to identify the features from different texts relating to members of royalty across England and Scotland. For this weeks homework activity we would like them to continue to familiarise themselves with non-chronological reports. Using the 'sharks' text and the 'non-chronological report checklist' children should assess what features are present and colour code these on the text to demonstrate their understanding. 

Bronze - 1 star 'sharks' text. 

Silver - 2 star 'sharks' text. 

Gold - 3 star 'sharks' text. 

Please upload both the checklist and the colour coded text. 


English Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 24.05.24

As writers this week, we have been working on our descriptive writing skills. We have revisited some key literary techniques such as adjectives, expanded noun phrases, adverbs, similies, metaphors and apostrophes for possession. For this week's homework task we would like children to continue practising identification of metaphors and similies to help consolidate their learning around this technique. 

English Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 17.05.24

For this week’s homework activity, we would like children to fill out a character profile for King Arthur. They should draw a picture of King Arthur in the middle and then think about the types of qualities and skills he has. For example, we know he was helpful and kind since he gave his sword to Sir Kay when he forgot it at the inn. We also knew he was strong because he pulled out the sword when no one else was able to. We would like to see their character profiles of King Arthur informed by their learning in class; for example, how do children know King Arthur was strong, helpful, kind etc. If children are struggling, they may use the character description word mat as a prompt.

English Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 10.05.24


This week we have touched focused on descriptive work, thinking about using exciting and creative adjectives in our writing. For the homework task this week, we would like children to draw a picture of King Arthur's sword Excalibur in the middle of their page. Then, we would like them to brainstorm some adjectives to describe Excalibur. Please could children be reminded that since we are focussing on legends this term, we would like their adjectives to be mythical where possible e.g., legendary, historical, magnificent. Children may use the 'object' section on the word mat attached below to help them start with generating their ideas. If there are any questions please let us know. 

English Homework - Please upload to Dojo by 26.04.24


In English this term we are focusing on 'Legend Stories' - over the past week have been familiarsing ourselves with the legend of King Arthur. For this week's homework task we would like children to widen their knowledge on King Arthur by reading a text and answering comprehension questions. Children may choose which level of difficulty they would like to complete (1 star, 2 star or 3 star).

Easter Holiday Diary Entry- to be uploaded or brought in by 15.04.24

A whole school target for our writing focus has been the presentation of our work, including using the correct King's Court Script when writing and joining our letters.


A whole school activity to complete over the Easter Holidays is to talk, draw and write about your favourite activity or day over the next 2 weeks. A particular focus will be presenting your work beautifully using your best King's Court script. As the writing lead for the school, I will be handing out special A&B certificates to children from each class who I can see have presented their work beautifully. These will also be displayed in the school hall. You are welcome to add pictures or photos to your diary entry to go with your writing.


I have attached a couple of templates to use of your children would like some more structure to their diary entry. I will be looking for quality of writing, which could be short, simple sentences to describe your picture, a series of sentences using different sentence openers or even some paragraphs of writing to really challenge yourself!


I look forward to seeing your diary entries when we return after Easter!


Have a wonderful break


Mrs Johnson

English Homework- 22.03.24- to be uploaded to dojo by 29.03.24

As part of our History topic on The Romans, we have been learning about Roman roads. Below is a comprehension activity for the children to complete using information from the text to answer the questions. The answers are attached for the children to mark when they have completed the activity.

English Homework 15.03.24- to be completed on Purple Mash by 22.03.24

This week in English we have been working on the planning of our Hot Task where we are recreating our own version of Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen.


On Purple Mash, I have set a 2Do where the children are going to complete a fact profile about Michael Rosen. When they log into the 2Do, there are some facts that are shared about him and then the option to add these by sub-headings when they compile the fact sheet. Below I have also inserted a link to his website where he has written a child friendly biography about himself and his life that the children may want to include in their fact profile.

English Homework- 08.03.24- to be uploaded to dojo by 15.03.24

This week in our English writing, we have started looking at Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen to see what language features he uses for the poem. One of the language devices we have looked at is onomatopoeia which is when a word describes the sound it makes.


eg: whizz, pop, bang, fizz


This week for their homework I have attached a game that can be played in a few different ways. There are cards with the onomatopoeic word on it and the children can play a game of charades where they act out the onomatopoeia using the examples on the card for someone at home to guess. They can also play it in a pictionary style where they draw the examples on the card and someone has to guess which sound it is.


I have attached both the game and the instructions for your reference. There are lots of cards to choose from, please don't feel you have to do them all, just get the children to pick a few of their favourite ones they would like to play with. We would love to see some of your examples of how you played the game uploaded to dojo- have fun!
