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King's Court First School

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Spring Term 2025

Friday 17th January- to be logged on TT Rockstars by Friday 24th January

We are continuing our work on multiplication and division. To apply their number facts to multiply and divide with higher numbers, their times table knowledge is really beneficial. Therefore, this week we would like the children to log onto their TT Rockstars account (all children have log in details in their reading record books) and play some of the games that are available. We have placed the children in groups on there so that they can focus on sets of times tables based on their current understanding. We have attached a parent guide that explain each of the games that are played and how to make adjustments to support children further. We will be logging in over the week to see how much children have played, and each child that makes it into the top 10 on the school leaderboard will be awarded with a special certificate. Year 4s are hugely competitive ad it would be lovelt to see some of the Year 3s challenging some of them who are in the top 10!

Parent Guide TT Rockstars

Friday 10th January- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 17th January

This week in maths, we have been looking at multiplication. This week there are some reasoning questionings for the children to complete. The document that has been uploaded is progressive in its difficulty so please choose only one of the sheets for the children to complete based on their current understanding.

Autumn Term 2024

Christmas Holiday Homework


We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all your support with homework this term. 


Christmas is such a special time to relax and enjoy time with loved ones, and the children (and adults!) deserve a well earned break!. We will not be setting any homework over the holidays. The children are welcome to share what they have been up to over the holidays on Class Dojo. The teachers will also be having a break too so will respond to anything that is uploaded over the holidays when we return in January 


Continue to enjoy reading, playing games and having lots of festive fun.


From the teaching team at King's Court, we will all our families a very Merry Christmas and we will see you again in the new year.

Friday 13th December- to be uploaded to Dojo by Friday 20th December

Over the past couple of weeks in maths we have been practising and developing our knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Below are some mindfulness colouring based on these multiplication facts. There is a key to show what colour to use based on the answer to the times tables question.

Friday 6th December- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 13th December

The children have continued to really impress us with acquiring and improving their times table knowledge. This week, the focus has been around counting in 4s. This has included looking at pictorial representations and understanding how to extract information from word problems to write the correct number sentences both for multiplication and division sums.


Please see below the activity to support the learning completed this week. There is a Going for Gold and a support for getting to gold activity. Please choose only one of these to complete

Friday 29th November- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 6th December

This week in maths- we have been focusing on different strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. We have been linking this to counting in 3s which we are working on improving on recalling at speed in different contexts as well as familiarising ourselves with the pattern of counting in 3s.


Below is a Going for Gold activity which is a 3x table mastery mat to help support this concept. If your child needs support getting to gold, then please complete the alternative activity below. Please only choose 1 activity to complete, there is no need to complete them both.

Friday 22nd November- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 29th November

This week we have been using different strategies to multiply 2 numbers together. The children have showed real skill and confidence with this.


Below I have uploaded a set of activities for the children to choose from to complete. Just like in our maths lessons, the first few questions start off with the simple concept and as the activities progress, they challenge the more deeper understanding of the concept. Please choose ONE out of the 3 sheets for the children to complete. If they need some support still with the concept then choose the first page, but if you feel they are confident then challenging them to the second or third page where they will have to explain their reasoning based on the concept. Please do not make the children complete all 3 sheets. It is where they are currently in their understanding of the concept.

Maths Homework- 15.11.24- to be uploaded to dojo by 22.11.24


This week in maths we have been looking at compliments to 100 which is the same as number bonds to 100. We have been using our number fact knowledge of lower number bonds to apply to tens numbers to 100 






Part of the activity is using a number line to work out the missing value to make 100. The children need to add up to the next 10s number first then add in 10s until they get to 100. 




58 + __ = 100

58 + 2 = 60    60 + 40 = 100  so the compliment/bond to 58 will be 42


If you need support getting to gold there is an activity below with lower number bonds.

Maths homework 8.11.24 - to be uploaded by Friday 15th November


Maths Homework 25.10.24 - to be uploaded by 8.11.24

This week we have continued our learning on addition and subtraction.  Some of us have been ready to move on to adding and subtracting larger numbers with exchanging.  We have identified that you need to exchange when a number in the column is greater than 10.  


Maths Homework- 18.10.24- to be uploaded to dojo by Thursday 24th October

This week the children have been using columns to add and subtract numbers without exchanging.


The going for gold challenge is below.  You may choose to complete both sections but you are not expected to complete them all.


If you need help getting to gold- try using some slightly lower numbers, you could take the H column away and just add T and O.

Maths Homework- 04.10.24- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 11th October

This week the children have been exploring 1, 10 and 100 more or less than any given number up to 1000. We have focused on making sure we only look at the column we are changing eg: if we are finding 100 more then only looking at the hundreds columns as the rest will stay the same.


The going for gold challenge is below- there are 3 different activities you can choose from. You are not expected to complete them all.


If you need help getting to gold- try finding just 10 more and less first using some slightly lower numbers.

Maths Homework 27.09.24- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 4th October

This week in maths, we are finishing off our unit on place value. The children have been using the more than, less than and equals symbols to compare numbers to 1000. We have talked about the signs being the mouth of Charlie the Crocodile, who always eats the biggest number. 


Please complete the activities set as '2 Dos' on their Purple Mash log ins. 

Maths Homework- 20.09.24- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 27th September

This week, we have continued our work on place value, including finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than any given number. This helps the children understand further the value of the digit that is changing.


We have uploaded a Four in a Row place value game for the children to play based on this concept. We have uploaded a few different games that increase in difficulty. Please allow the children to select which game they would like to play. We would love to see photos on dojo of the children playing this with someone at home.

Maths Homework- 13.09.24- to be uploaded to dojo by Friday 20th September

This week in maths, we have been looking at partitioning both 3 and 4 digit numbers by explaining what each digit of the number is made up of. For this week's 'Going for Gold' Homework, the children have an activity to complete to partition either 3 or 4 digit numbers.


If you need help getting to gold, use the pictures of the dienes on the sheets to help you partition the number, this is the same resource that we have been using in class which all children were successful at.

Summer Term 2024

Maths Homework To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 19.07.24

For this week's homework activity we would like children to collect their own set of data and create a pictogram, bar chart, or table with the results. The children can choose what topic to collect their data on e.g., family's favourite colours, what kinds of toys they have at home etc. They must include a key, a title and names for the x and y axises. Please note, this will be the last piece of homework in Year 3. 

Maths Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 12.07.24

In our Maths lessons we have continued to focus on our topic of 'Statistics'. This week in particular, we have explored bar charts closely. As a consolidation task, we would like children to focus on bar charts with an emphasis on interpretting the data. Please complete one of the 3 sheets - we would like children to complete page two or three to provide a challenge. 

Maths Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 05.07.24

This week we started our last topic for Year 3 Maths - Statistics! We have explored the features of pictograms and the key things which we need to look out for to help us interpret these. For this week's homework activity, we ask that children interpret both pictorgrams and answer the related questions. 

Maths Homework To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 28.06.24

This week we have explored 2D and 3D shapes, focusing on their properties and familarising ourselves with the key terminology including verticies, edges, sides, corners etc. For this week's homework activity we would like children to show their knowledge and explain the properties of 3D shapes. If children struggle, please provide prompts using the 3D shapes poster attached. 

Maths Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 21.06.24


In Owl class we have been working very hard on our new topic of shape. We have previously explored angles and are now moving onto parallel and perpendicular lines. For this week's homework activity, we would like children to become more accustomed to the vocabulary and understand that these tricky (and long) words are names for slightly less complicated concepts. Please complete either page 1 (bronze), page 2 (silver) or page 3 (gold) from the attachment below. 



Maths Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 14.06.24 

This week we have started our new topic of 'shape'. We have looked at angles and turns in class this week with a focus on right angles. For this week's homework activity we would like children to ensure they have a good understanding of turns and angles. Using the activity attached, the children are asked to discover which shape their character will face  using right angle turns either clockwise and/or anticlockwise. Please complete 1 of the 3 worksheets (bronze - 1 star, silver - 2 star, gold - 3 star). 


Maths Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo by 24.05.24

As mathematicians this week, we have continued deepening our understanding on time. We have explored how to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks, to five minutes and one minute as well as understanding the difference between a.m and p.m.. For this week's homework activity, we would like children to complete the activities around telling the time to five miniutes to strengthen their understanding. 

10.05.24- Maths Homework- to be uploaded to dojo by 17.05.24

This week in maths, we have started our unit on time. Attached is a little challenge for the children to complete over the next week of things they can do in 10 seconds, 1 minute and 5 minutes. They are going to make an estimate first of how many of the activity they think they will be able to do, time themselves then record the actual amount.

Maths Homework - To Be Uploaded To Dojo By 10.05.24


This week we have continued to focus on our topic of money. We have explored adding and subtracting money as well as working out how much change we would receive from certain amounts. We have really enjoyed learning our current topic as we can make lots of links to the real world! Please choose one of the challenges to complete from below. 

Maths Homework- to be uploaded to dojo by 03.05.24

We have moved onto our new topic of money this week. Below are some activities to practice using pounds and pence. If you choose bronze, please choose 2 of the activities to complete- you do not have to complete them all!


Maths Homework - To be uplodaed to Dojo by 26.04.24


As part of our new topic we have been working to deepen our understanding on fractions. This week we have covered adding and subtracting fractions as well as finding fractions of certain amounts. We would like children to consolidate this learning at home through this weeks homework. Children can choose their challenge from the activity below. 


Using their times tables skills will be so importnat when finding fractions of amounts. The denominator will be the times tables that they will need to focus on counting in. eg: 1/5 of 20, they would count in 5s until they get to 20 (5, 10, 15, 20) 4 times so 1/5 of 20 is 4.

Easter Holiday Homework

Over the Easter Holidays, please can the children continue to practice TT Rockstars to build on the fluency of their times table knowledge and recall. 


If the children would like to get on our school leaderboard, they have to play 'studio' we have talked about it and the children are really keen to get competitive with Year 4! Playing 'Gig' mode will enable them to develop their heat map and it then targets specific questions for them to focus on.


Have a lovely Easter!

Maths Homework- 22.03.24- to be uploaded to dojo by 29.03.24

This week the children have been looking at measuring liquid in millilitres and litres. They have been looking at different scales on containers and working out the increments in which the scales go up in to measure accurately. There are some challenged activities below to re-enforce this concept.

Maths Homework 15.03.24- to be uploaded to dojo by 22.03.24

This week, we have been looking at measuring mass- with a particular focus on grams and kilograms. Below are some activities to complete on equivalent masses. We have talked about the word equivalent coming from the word equal which means the same. The children should be familiar with the concept of 1000g = 1kg and using simple fractions like half and quarter related to 1kg. If the children would like an extra challenge, there is an extension activity attached to complete.

Maths Homework- 08.03.24 to be completed by 15.03.24

This week, we have completed our work on Fractions and have started looking at our new topic of mass and capacity. We have completed a baseline of the children's current recall of their times tables to see where their gaps are and how we can support with recalling them at speed.


I have re-introduced TT Rockstars to the children this week, I know some of them have been logging in, but we would like to do a bigger push on more frequent use of the programme. Therefore, for their homework for maths this week, can they please log into TT Rockstars (their log in is in their reading record books) and have a go at some of the games that are available. I have attached the parent's guide for your reference to gain a better understanding of each of the features.

Maths Homework 01.03.24- to be uploaded to dojo by 08.03.24

This week we have been looking at fractions on a number line and counting fractions on a number line. Below are some activities to practise and consolidate this concept. There are answer pages at the end of each document for the children to self mark.

Maths Homework - due by 01.03.24

Currently in Maths we are focussing on fractions. We have already studied non-unit fractions (a fraction with 1 as the numerator) and started to compare fractions. Our mantra this week has been 'the bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction'. For this week's homework task we would like children to compare fractions. Please refer to the worksheets attached. 




