Mindfulness is a life-long skill for children to learn. It helps them to be confident to deal with daily challenges. By simply paying attention to breathing out and breathing in, they start to feel calm inside. It is important to children to be able to name their feelings and notice them, even upsetting ones, so we can start to work things out together.
The 3 Principles of Mindfulness
Intention: choosing to cultivate your awareness
Attention: to the present moment, sensations, and thoughts
Attitude: being kind, curious, and non-judgemental
A school we have adopted myHappymind, a programme backed by the NHS to help parents, teachers and children to prepare today's children for tomorrow's world by building resilient, balanced, and happy minds at school and home. To find out further information about myHappymind, please click on the link below.
Please explore our Mental Health and Well-Being pages to find out more, particularly if your child is suffering from mental health, such as stress or anxiety.