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King's Court First School

Caring, Sharing and Learning Together

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Where the Wild Things Are - NEW

Where the Wild Things Are! 

Where the Wild Things Are

A video adaptation of the Maurice Sendak classic.

Where the Wild Things Are Book Read Aloud | Children's Books Read Aloud | Bedtime Stories

A 'read along' version.

Writing Frame and Support for Writing 
Cross Curricular Activities  

Rainforest & Plants

Have a look at how plants grow. Have a look at different types of plants. Can you draw and label your own?

Floating and Sinking

Investigate materials that float the best. Use the knowledge learnt form these investigations to design a boat for Max.


Have a look at habitats in the rainforest using the powerpoint below. Compare these to where the the 'Wild things'. Create a new wild things and a habitat to go with it making sure they are suited for each other.



Days of the week and months of the year. Use the posters below to help remind yourself about the days of the week. Can you oder the days and months? Can you create a paper chain with them all in the correct order? 



Can you measure the plans you have started to grow? Can you measure the different materials you need to make your boat? 

Art & DT

A boat for Max

Can you design and build a new boat for Max using recycled materials. 

Leaf Collage

Look at the illustration of the coloured leaves. Could you get different colours of leaves and arrange them to make a picture?


Map Skills 

Can you create a map of the forest where the wild things live. Can you create a map of how Max gets to where the wild things live, including a key and directions? 

Extra Curricular Activities  