Response to Lockdowns 2020-2021
We would like to share with you our school song: We are the Writing Champions.
We are the champions of King’s Court song.
Find our launch video below along with the lyrics for you to get practising and to teach your family our school song. I have added the out-take, (the song which was recorded, but not used for the final version) to make you all smile.
Happy singing!

We are the Champions of King's Court
A Special Message to the Children of King's Court School

King's Court Happiness Tree

Have you seen how many pebbles are at our Happiness Tree? It looks so wonderful. See the gallery below we will continue to update so check back to see all the new ones.

We have exciting news to share.....

STOP PRESS! Important Ofsted Letter from Mrs. Pye-Beraet! PLEASE READ...
I have brought forward my Friday Round Up for one week only to share my letter in response to our wonderful Ofsted report.
Please read my Thursday follow up.... Enjoy the attached letter which can be seen below.
KC teachers learning the hand jive....January 2020

Follow us on Social Media...

Clearing the Flower Beds and Planting Pots

Before and After

Lucy performing our - King's Court Champions Song

Clapping our Key Workers

Easter Bonnet Parade