Uniform Information
King's Court School Uniform
King's Court First School has a uniform policy and all children are required to adhere to it.
We aim to make it as smart and comfortable as possible, whilst keeping it affordable for parents and carers.
All plain items of uniform are available at most supermarkets and clothing stores. If parents wish to purchase items with the King's Court logo on then they are available to purchase from Schools Direct.
- Blue and white checked dress with plain white socks – summer
- Dark grey skirt or pinafore with dark grey/black tights or plain white socks
- Light blue polo shirt
- Royal blue logo sweatshirt with logo or cardigan without logo
- Royal blue hoodie with school logo
- Black flat school shoes
- Royal blue headband or hair tie. Long hair should be tied back.
- Dark grey school trousers or shorts with plain dark grey/black socks
- Light blue polo shirt
- Royal blue sweatshirt with logo
- Royal blue hoodie with school logo
- Black school shoes (Velcro suggested)
PE Uniform
Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times
- White T-shirt
- Navy shorts
- Plimsolls /plain black trainers
In the colder months the children may prefer to wear:
- Plain blue jogging bottoms
- Plain blue sweatshirt
- Plain black trainers
Pre-Loved Uniform
We have 'pre-loved uniform' that families have donated to the school which is available to parents and carers at discounted prices. The Friends of King's Court First School (F of KCFS) oversees these items and they can be viewed and purchased from F of KCFS at Pre-Loved uniform sales after school. Please enquire at the school office if you have an immediate requirement.
Please ensure that all items of uniform, outer clothing and other items brought into school (bags, book bottles, etc.) are clearly labelled with your child’s name.