A New Week
Dear children, parents and carers,
We hope that your home learning has started well and you are enjoying following the team timetables. I will start a new tab in the children's section called: A message from Mrs. Pye-Beraet so that I can keep in regular communication with you all.
Important Message: Key Workers
Thank-you to all our parents who have made alternative arrangements for their children today and have not sent them to school. Please can we reiterate the importance of only sending your child into school if it is your only option so you can continue working on the front line. We must give priority to those who need their child to be in school so that their amazing work as a key worker can continue.
We are all working together to keep as safe as possible and staying at home is the safest option.
A Rainbow in the Window
Ask your child to draw or paint a rainbow to stick in your front window at home.
With social distancing and schools closing children are connecting with each other by painting or drawing colourful rainbows and putting them in their windows for others to see.
This is a lovely activity I would encourage us to do in the Old Windsor community as a sign of hope and a colourful future ahead.
Take care and stay safe.